Another Crossroader is making plans to leave for Africa so keep him in your prayers.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
It's been a while so I thought I better let everyone know how it's going. I'm doing fine here and enjoying life in Kenya. There isn't a lot of news as life has settled down to pretty much routine although every once in a while something crops up to remind you you're not in America anymore.
The two boys I have given a home to, Derek and Isaac, are doing very well and it is good to see them smiling and happy. Derek broke his arm playing soccer so he has a cast but it healing. Most importantly they are learning how spiritual life works, and along with the other young people in my class in Kayole, are growing in grace.
There is a tremendous amount of religion in Kenya. When I walk around the slums of Kayole, it seems that every little nook and cranny has some type of meeting going on. Some are frantically beating their drums to get that emotional high and some are sacrificing chickens because they think there has to be a blood sacrifice for atonement.
“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
Missionaries have brought the gospel but in many cases it has become mixed in with the old traditional religion and the churches are teaching strange doctrines. Because most pastors are not trained and don't understand spiritual life themselves, it becomes a hodgepodge of whatever they decide they want to teach. It's not a matter of building believers who become spiritual maturity, but rather playing the "church game" to please the people. In spite of all that, I am convinced that the believers here are seeking truth and I count it my privilege to carry that truth to these people.
Just as there is a gospel "good news" for the unbeliever that he doesn't have to work his way to heaven, there is also a gospel "good news" for the believers. This good news that we don't have to work in order to be spiritual! This is the message I keep sharing with the believers here - there is nothing you can do as a believer to impress God. ( Isaiah 64:6: "all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags" ). God is not interested in what you are trying to do for Him, but he is interested to see his life operating in us. So the key to life for the believer is not doing but becoming. God earnestly desires that we gain his life so that from that life we can manifest the fruit. To have the fruit you have to start by planting the seed. That's why we need the Word of God - it is the implanted word that the Holy Spirit can generate into new life within us.
There I go preaching again-but I wanted to give you an idea of the message I am giving the people. It is truly a life-changing message. When you stop trying to be a 'good Christian' and start learning how to grow up spiritually it changes your entire relationship to the Father.
The pastors and leaders that I am teaching are now beginning to have opportunities to tell others of the concepts of spiritual life and they are finding people hungry to hear. Ultimately, these leaders will reach Kenya with the "good new" not me. I pray that I am faithful to plant the seeds but it is encouraging when you begin to see fruit.
I will continue teaching week in and week out, confident that that the seed is being planted and that it will ultimately bear fruit. Please continue to pray for me, those I teach, and ones who will ultimately go forth with the truth.
John 16:13"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.
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