Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. John 4:35
(this verse is the focus of the new Crossroads documentary -coming soon to a mailbox near you).
Have you decided how you'll refer to the new year? Twenty TEN or Thousand TEN? For me personally I like Twenty TEN but this is the least of the problems that face us as Americans and as believers.
This year has started off with a bang-well not as big of a bang as it would have if the terrorist on the Detroit flight would have been successful. Time and time again I am so thankful that those I love are God's child-therefore His responsibility and not mine.
What is happening with the Crossroads members?
- Stan is moving along with the Crossroads Bible School in Nairobi. The classes will complete their nine month training in April and are looking forward to graduating. New classes will resume after a break. Stan has been looking into properties for sale, outside of the city, that would house the training center and a small residential school for boys.
- Cliff has started an online ministry-sending out short bible lessons and his thought-provoking poems on spiritual life (soon to be posted on his blog). He has also been in close contact with our Samburu rep., Joseph. They are working together to develop a simple curriculum for the Samburu pastors. This is truly an amazing opportunity! He is praying about returning to Africa to continue follow-up teaching with the men who graduated last year and to assist Joseph and Gabriel.
- Joseph in Samburu land continues to present the gospel message to his fellow Samburu tribesmen . As well as training new pastors at the Crossroads Bible Training Center in Suguta Mara.
- Gabriel in Zimbabwe, begins the year with a renewed hope that the country is on its way to crawling out of economic collapse. The children who live on Redmile Farm (see previous posts) are now able to go to school and Gabriel has managed to stretch the funds we send him for the feeding program to feed 40 more orphans.
- Paula has spend months editing the hundreds of hours of video footage shot on the 2008-09 mission trips and will be sending out the short documentary, "FIELDS RIPE FOR HARVEST" in February. It has truly been a labor of love and many thanks for the patience of friends and family while she has been involved (more like consumed) in this project!