Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast"

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


"In Kenya, an estimated three million, mostly poor, people live with intellectual and mental disabilities, according to NGO and United Nations figures. At the same time, the ratio of psychiatrists to the population is dismal -- just one psychiatrist to half a million people."

Those who have survives the many terrorist attacks in the last two years need care now! Through training local caregivers how to use simple art therapy activities, they can offer counseling anywhere,  anytime with the simple tools of crayon and paper.
With your help ART AID for KENYA will put together art kits and training books to be given to all those who attend training workshops. They in turn,  will return to their villages and begin their own art therapy counseling program and train others in their communities.
Student being helped after the latest April 2, 2015 Garissa college massacre.

Some of the faces of those who lost their lives in the Westgate Mall attack 2013

Students who survived the attack April 2, 2015 at Garissa college being taken to safety.

Plain clothes policeman help rescue woman and child from Westgate Mall 2013