As I cheerfully bid adieu to old man winter and welcome spring with open arms, I’m reminded of how we undergo different seasons in our own lives. Spring ushers in a time for renewal, possibilities, and optimism. The sun warms the earth, the flowers begin to bloom and signs of new life surprise us around every corner. This is a wonderful occasion to reflect upon our personal and spiritual growth. This is an ideal time to plant internal seeds that lead to personal transformation. God’s desire for his children is for them to spiritually mature and shed their fleshly skin to mirror his image and his works. He wants us to obey his instruction and examine our spiritual life to gage our Christian progression. He doesn’t want us to resume behaviors or thoughts that aren’t serving him or hinder his purpose for our life.
This spring don’t commit only to spring cleaning your home, commit to cleaning your spirit. Dust the cobwebs from your mind, throw bad habits in the trash, thoroughly clean your heart and discard any bitterness, anger, or negativity. Spring into a new season of your life with a sense of enthusiasm to do God’s will. Start your journey by pursuing the 3 R’s, Reflect, Renewal, and Rebirth