Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast"

Friday, June 22, 2012

Great news! Stan made it back to the USA for a well-deserved furlough.  Also, after numerous attempts to obtain a Visa for another three years-it was finally granted to him just before he departed! Hallelujah!! This will be a great time for renewal. He will be staying with the Taylor at Red Hill Ranch in his own little mountain cabin-no running water, but plenty of electricity! something one who has lived in Africa for three and a half years will not take for granted!

Just a note to let you know how the visa thing is going. I spent all yesterday downtown with Joshephat running around. We had to get a letter from the people who did the visa the last time saying they had no objection to switching to a different organization and to get the copy of the old work permit. Without going into all the gory details, I met Joshephat downtown and we walked to an office which seemed to be all the way across Nairobi. Every time I walk somewhere without pain I have to thank God that the problems I used to have with my legs are gone. Anyway, after some lengthy discussions, and giving them 2,000 Ksh "lunch money", they reluctantly agreed to give us the required papers. They were trying their hardest to get more money from me, saying that I was supposed to be paying them 5,000 Ksh each year and so on. But I flat out told them that wasn't happening and they eventually saw that they weren't getting any more money. They said they couldn't give the letter until the next day (which meant another trip into town) but at least we would get what was required.
On the walk back to the place where we catch the matatu we saw smoke and what looked like a big fire at the place where we had left a short time before. When we stopped for lunch it was all over the TV that there had been an explosion on Moi Avenue, just a block from where I had spent an hour and a half waiting for Joshephat. There were many people injured and there was blood everywhere. I haven't heard yet if anyone died or if it was the Al Shabaab terrorists that caused it. Guess that is about it for now. Stan